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Become a Member
Become a Metal Militia Federation Member to Participate in Metal Militia Sanctioned Competitions.
Only $27 for a years pass to lift in unlimited Metal Militia Meet's
All of our data is maintained electronically, you will never need to bring or keep track of your card
Click the link to become a member.

Become a Brother / Sister
Brotherhood can not be bought. If your are interested in joining our ranks, click the contact info link on the main page and find your closest chapter. The Chapter president will evaluate you after consistency in training and competing. If you share our values, passion, and determination you might be asked to join.

Donate to the Militia Helping Hand Fund
The Metal Militia "Helping Hand" is a voluntary anonymous fund set up to assist our Brothers or Sisters when they fall on hard times. In the past money has been donated when a Brother or Sister has passed or gotten sick.

Benching For Hero's
We are hosting a Bench Press Competition on July 4th with 100% of ALL MONEY RAISED going to the Adirondack Vets House. If you are not able to make it to the Competition and would still like to donate click below. For more information on that amazing work the ADK Vets House does please click the link