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The Metal Militia is the worlds largest powerlifting team, comprised of chapters spanning the globe. Each Chapter President is hand selected from thousands of lifters. The Chapter President then goes on to select members who share our passion, vision, and dedication to powerlifting. Metal Militia is a brotherhood, a family, and a team. If you're interested in joining our ranks, contact the Chapter President nearest you.

New York
Home and headquarters of the Metal Militia. Federation President Nick Rouse and Chapter Vice President Will Barotti train and coach at the Adirondack Barbell Club in South Glens Falls New York. To many, this training facility is considered a mecca of shirted bench press training. Every person that comes to this gym hits a Personal Record.

Mason Dixon
Home of the first Chapter President and Vice President of the Metal Militia, Magnuss McVicar. Jeff has been around since the start and has helped mold and form the Training Methods of the Metal Militia. His facility located atop Haunted Hill on the Mason Dixon line is a privet, invitation only, gym dedicated the traditions of the Metal Militia. In this compound, Invited guest always hit PR's.

Dave Barth the owner of the training facility Universal Athletics, in Allentown Pennsylvania. He has established a long history and tradition of training excellence while always pushing the envelope on new and innovative training techniques. Home of the Northeast Power Bowl, The Old Iron Bull, and Pop's Classic; the Metal Militia Pennsylvania Chapter is a standard in hosting quality powerlifting meets.

Delaware Valley
The Delaware Vally chapter is led by Bill Fritz a prodigy of Metal Militia pioneer and legend Franz. Bill had no problem steeping out of Franz's shadow and has since established himself as an accomplished lifter, squatting over 1,000, and an exceptional coach. The Delaware Chapter is a privet gym by invitation only, contact Bill directly if you are intresed in the oppertunity in training with the Delaware Chapter.

Erie County
President Randy Owens and Vice President Shane Darnofall have taken the sleepy county of Erie PA and destroyed its quaint tranquillity. A training facility fulled by maniacs, lunatics, and Ax murders makes the platform a terrifying place for the competition. This training facility is open to the public but certainly is not for the faint at heart.

Elmira NY
We are a brotherhood of like minded people who work to become stronger together. The Elmira Chapter operates out The Sanctuary Barbell Club which is owned by Ted and his wife. Ted Kohler is the chapter president and ensures the gym has powerlifting equipment available.
Vice President - Eli Thomas

Atlantic Canada
The Northern expansion continues into Nova Scotia, Canada with a powerful chapter led by Matt Watson. Trained in both cognate and Militia techniques, this chapter's resourcefulness is only shadowed by its devotion t competition. Contact Matt for the opportunity to train along side the smartest athlete in in Canada

Long time power lifter and Metal Militia brother Petter Elvekrok has brought the intensity and chaos of the Metal Militia to Scandinavia Vice President Ida Gullbrandsson assist Petter in unleashing the fury that is the Scandinavia chapter. This intense group of lifters have begun the Metal Militia assault on Northern Europe, all others take heed/

We are a chapter of a dozen powerlifters and bench pressers who share a common belief that to be the best requires honor loyalty respect to your family to your brothers to your club.We all have competition experience.I myself have 30 years on the platform and over 160 meets.anyone within the Pittsburgh area and who shares our creed is welcome to train with us.

We are The Steel Valley Metal Militia chapter located in Youngstown, Ohio. Our Brothers and Sisters in Strength train together in a private, invitation only, gym. Our goal is to maximize our team members' powerlifting potential be it raw or geared, and build a camaraderie amongst those dedicated enough to be a part of the Steel Valley Metal Militia. President: Matthew Hodge VP: Nick Durse

Los Lobos
Founded by bench press legend Mike “The Big Bad” Wolfe, Los Lobos chapter has a rich history in
bench press and we are building the future in full power.
With full access and ownership of two private gyms, you’ll find what you need in our chapter. Twisted
Barbell is housed in Celina, Ohio and is ran by our chapter VP Brad Korte. Our HQ is The Barn
Barbell in Waynesfield, Ohio and is home to chapter president Adam Hawkins. Both facilities house
some of the best equipment on the market, but our best attribute is the incredible team that
continues to grow in size and strength.
Los Lobos carries the legacy of lifting excellence Mike created, and we have the highest
expectations of personal performance on the platform. Regardless of where you are today, our goal
is to make you better tomorrow.
President: Adam Hawkins
VP: Brad Korte

For too long multiply lifters have been social outcast and the scourge of powerlifting society. Led by the deranged Chris Skaroupka and Mad Dog Maddox this invitation only chapter spans across Australia with the goal of bringing the crazy back to powerlifting. Only dedicated lifters that bestow the metal militia qualities will be accepted. If you think you have what it takes to become part of the brotherhood then get in contact with Chris

South Texas
Chapter President Bam Bennett has been a competitive powerlifter for over 30 years. I (Bam) wanted to join the Metal Militia family because we shared the same values towards the sport. "We are all in this together", even though the competition is an individual sport, it takes a team to train and compete at a high level. Here at Metal Militia Powerlifting Texas, we support you, and you are invited to come and train with us and learn from us. You have to earn your stripes, but once you are in, you become a part of the family. We don't care if you are a man, woman, teen, black, white brown or rainbow, we all bleed red, and sweat equity is paid daily and we are Strength Athletes. If you have the grit to be a part of something more important than you, hit me up and we can get you in line with a workout. If you are looking for guidance's on how to train, that knowledge is for members only.

Welcome to the Michigan Chapter where the work ethic is just as hard as the steel that creates the world’s automobiles. We are a chapter of bench pressers, but accept anyone who wants to work hard, who wants to eat, sleep and breathe powerlifting, anyone who wants to give back more than they take from the sport, and anyone who wants to join a family of iron.
The Chapter President is Eric Scott and they train at a private invite only facility, that spans competitive lifters from the early 80’s of powerlifting to newbies who have been at it for a couple years or less.

The Nebraska Chapter is a small Family of Hard working individuals mostly teens to a few adults but they are WILLING to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. As the president of the Nebraska Chapter my target is to work with and build up the next generation of middle school and High school lifters through Powerlifting. So as my team grows and the seasons come and go, my team will continue to change with new lifters my journey of growth will continue.
President: Brian Forbes