Metal Militia Powerlifting is comprised of two divisions. One division is the Federation, “Metal Militia Powerlifting LLC.” The other is the club, “Metal Militia Powerlifting.”
The Metal Militia Federation is the governing body of Metal Militia competitions, record keeping, rules, and Hall of Fame.
The Metal Militia Club is a brotherhood and a team composed of hand selected men and women who share the same values, morals, and philosophies about powerlifting and life.
In order to join the Metal Militia Federation, all one needs to do, is go to and purchase a membership card. A person that holds a card, and is not affiliated with the club, is known as a “Member.” Once a card is purchased, a member is eligible to compete in the world’s most exciting and electrifying competitions, have their lifts recorded, and win our amazing prizes.
A Metal Militia brother or sister is a person who has been handpicked by a chapter president and invited into the club. This position is not for sale, it must be earned. Our vast network of brothers and sisters means that at almost any powerlifting competition you go to, there will be a teammate there to help you. You will be given unlimited support with your training and with your life. It opens the door for you to train at a massive number of facilities and be welcomed into Metal Militia gyms the world over. As with any club, we have rules to govern conduct on and off of the platform, uniform, and our moral code.
A Member interested in becoming a brother or sister should contact the closest chapter president. If that chapter president feels this particular member is a worthy candidate, he/she will enter them into a probation period. This is a period where the club will get to know the probationer. The probationer will be given ample time to demonstrate their character. If after a period the member proves himself or herself to be liked and of good moral virtue, he/she will be welcomed into the club. Note, there is no qualifying weight to be lifted to become a Metal Militia brother or sister.
What does it mean to be in the Metal Militia? It means that you are an athlete on the most loyal and strongest powerlifting team in the world. You are a representative of the best the world of powerlifting has to offer. You carry the torch for the past, the present, and the future of powerlifting. It means that you will always have people in your corner and that you can be relied upon to aid brothers and sisters when they are in need. It means that you belong. You are family.